Friday Lunch Hour


Ever get a little sick of the average lunch time routine in the office? Maybe lunch no longer means a mental break, because you’re having the same conversation about last month’s turnover as you were having in the board meeting ten minutes ago, just with a cup of coffee and a sandwich in front of you. Maybe the gossip gets a bit heavy in the canteen, or maybe you keep falling into the trap of dropping a tenner on a nice lunch, losing half of your lunch break standing in a queue in the process.


As a partial remedy to this, YWCA runs a lunch hour every Friday in our residence on Baggot Street. It provides a relaxed space for both residents and people working locally to chill and chat – we also provide tea and coffee and plenty of scones and biscuits too! Therese, our most loyal lunch hour-er puts it like this –

I love coming to lunch hour because it’s exactly the kind of cosy, restorative break I need during a long work week. It’s so nice to share a table and coffee with friends, old and new, and to listen to each other’s stories.

Doing it has reminded us the importance of commitment, and recognizing that the value of doing something for a few can be equal to doing something for many. We’ve had great chats, and often learn something new too, with people from all over the world joining us at different points. We would absolutely love to have you pop in any week; we’re here every Friday from 1-2 at 64 Baggot Street Lower.