A sad Goodbye

Unfortunately, sometimes we have to say goodbye to some important members of our team, in this case after many years of service.

How many years have you been working at the residence?

From 2003 to 2005 I lived here as an Assistant Manager and then, since 2008 until now, I have filled two roles Supervising and Cooking so around 10 years altogether.

What have been some of the Highlights of working here?

Building lasting friendships with both staff and residents. The biggest highlight has to be my god-daughter Lilly. Without the YWCA her mum, Ildiko, and I would never have met and become friends through our shared love of baking.


What will you miss most when you leave?

Most definitely the staff and residents. The way our kitchen is positioned has made for many a conversation while cooking and this was one of the most enjoyable aspects. Whether we spoke about the English language, homework, places to see round Dublin or Ireland, job searches, nights out, life’s highs and lows or just generally had a giggle it was great to be able to be part of people’s lives here in that way.

What are you doing next?

I’m moving in to an administrative role in property management. This was the aspect of my job here that I found I had most talent for and that allowed me to utilise my brain cells so I have trained to develop those skills and now want to focus more fully on that.
I have also recently been involved in setting up a not for profit, C-Squared Dublin, which seeks to build up the community of Smithfield (my local area) through creative community based programmes so I will continue to work on that, albeit with less time to spare. I’m looking forward to seeing that grow and develop.

What are you looking forward to about your new job?

Full time, regular hours. It is hard to work shifts for such a long period of time and I’m looking forward to some routine and a rhythm that will hopefully lead to a healthier lifestyle.

On behalf of all of the staff and residents we want to thank you and we will miss you.