YWCA Ireland Guiding Principles & Values

YWCA Ireland’s vision is to empower women in Ireland to be engaged, connected, and transformed and to lead and affect change through Christ.


YWCA Baggot Street, as part of the national association of YWCA Ireland (Young Women’s Christian Association) is fully committed to the Vision, Mission and Values of YWCA Ireland. Accordingly, this ethos statement should be read in conjunction with the YWCA Ireland Statement of Faith.


YWCA Ireland is inspired by the Christian faith and as part of a worldwide movement women leading change, we support women in communities throughout Ireland. We do so by providing services and outreach through our network of centres, by offering comfortable and secure accommodation, by creating opportunities for genuine fellowship, by facilitating leadership training and by supporting our members in their faith.


Faith in Christ

Our faith in Christ inspires us to seek to make a difference in people’s lives and within communities by reaching out and sharing what we believe in, to encourage those who need support.


We seek to serve our members and their communities with whom we work with humility, generosity of spirit, consideration and respect.


We recognise the value of support and encouragement in helping people flourish as individuals, as professionals and as Christians.


Our people are the source of our strength. We are at best as an association when we work together with the shared purpose of supporting and encouraging women in their work, in their lives as in their faith. This means we pool our skills, our expertise and our experience to learn from each other, to cooperate, to be better together.


Our commitment to excellence is simply stated: whatever we do, we do to the very best of our ability. That means our centres offer superior accommodation, our services are exemplary and our people are highly professional and truly committed. Most importantly, it also means that we work hard to help others be the very best that they can be too.

The management and committee of YWCA Baggot Street particularly welcomes groups which contribute to the YWCA's vision and mission as well as groups providing programmes of an educational or recreational nature.

By booking with us, groups and individuals acknowledge the YWCA's constitution, ethos statement and statement of faith and undertake to ensure that no activities are undertaken which might conflict with them. The management and committee of YWCA Baggot Street reserve the right to refuse accommodation to groups or individuals, where it is considered that their activities are incompatible with the YWCA's constitution, ethos statement or statement of faith

*Adopted by the YWCA Baggot Street Management Committee (December, 2015)


  • Belief in the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • Belief in the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, truly God and truly Man, His Virgin Birth, Atoning Death, Bodily Resurrection, Ascension and His Personal Coming again.

  • Belief that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the divinely inspired Word of God and the final authority in all matters of doctrine and practice.

  • Belief in the fact that all have sinned and in the efficacy of the Atonement and in Justification by Faith.

  • Belief that the Christian life is one of witness to our Lord Jesus Christ and of service to all.

  • The Association is interdenominational and evangelical.